Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Another test...

Taken from "Julie's Reading Corner":

This post is partially a test of the new “Get updates by email” feature, and partially an opportunity to talk about the audiobook I finished last week but forgot to write about in my last post.  I’m sitting here with a steaming cup of (regular) tea, with CBC Radio 2 on in the background, so it’s a perfect setting for posting.

Monday, 29 June 2015

This is a test...

This is a test to see if Follow by Email is actually working.

Friday, 15 March 2013

A new day, a new blog...

Upon a suggestion from a friend, I am beginning a "positive experiences" blog.  I expect that the entries will be much briefer than my other blog, Julie's Reading Corner (http://www.juliesreadingcorner.com/), but probably more frequent, maybe even daily.  I think this blog will be a record of positive or notable experiences in my life ("what I see"), and the purpose is to share the positive parts of my day, in the hopes that it may help others achieve a better sense of "mindfulness", or of being in the moment.
I'm not quite ready to start with a real post yet, so this will be all for today.
Bye for now...
PS Happy "Ides of March"!